The language was changed. carousel ClownThe rotating red nose makes you smile. On this colourful carousel everybody gets going. Turning PointsThe Turning Point is a slightly different carousel. A playable design element. If you are searching to get giddy – here you go. Giddy WhirligigIt’s an extraordinary carousel, which rotates around axed arbor accelerated by your own hands. This whirligig truly makes you giddy! FortissimoThe great little carousel for every location: pedestrian areas or playgrounds – Fortissimo fits in any surroundings.There is a lot of variety: piano, mezzo, forte. And they have one thing in common: fun en masse! IcarusHere you can fly high out and gently back to ground. Whether alone or in a group – fun is guaranteed! GazeboThe Gazebo is a dream come true: meet your friends in a cozy cave and let the world pass by! Steady way or wild ride, this unique carousel provides space for kids and youngsters alike. NestsIn a Nest you can feel secure. In our ones you are also able to play magnificently. Pangaea - VolcanoIf course, a real Pangaea also includes a volcano! Youcan even play with ours, because our Volcano is afull-blown carousel. You can romp around, but you canalso find a few quiet minutes. Excavations haveshown that even in prehistoric times footwearyparents liked to rest on theslopes of this mountain of fire... Prince & PrincessWho hasn't always wanted to dance with a Prince or Princess? Our new standing carousel makes dreams come true! Rugged yet elegant, it's an excellent addition to all playgrounds. Ring PlayFinally, a small carousel that hasn’t to be jolted permanently – the shifting of weight is enough for our Ring Play! Accelerating or slowing down – once you get the hang of it, you’ll never want to stop... RotariusOur merry-go-rounds are world-famous and considered the best on the market: robust and durable, excellently designed and executed, they have been bringing fun and joy to children all over the world for almost three decades. Rotarius is our first inclusion carousel that can be shared by children of varying physical abilities. The platform can be reached at ground level, a small seat and the curved grab rails provide support and do complete the appearance. The carousel can be set in motion either by the large hand wheel in the middle or with the help of friends. This makes Rotarius a real carousel for joining in! DishCarousells are immortal. The Dish embodies the principle of rotation like no other. Design, value of play, quality – all joined together. WaterlilyOur Waterlily provides space for lots of ducklings. This classic carousel interprets one of the oldest game principles in a new fashion. WayPeople say: The Way is the goal. They are right. Wherever you find our Way, kids and teens are drawn magically. You can´t have more carousel! WhirlwindFaster than the wind our small carousells are inviting you. Modern Design paired with guaranteed fun. MagicianA pointed hat with a magic brim – that has to be our Magician! This playground equipment serves as a meeting point, a seating, and, of course, as an enchanting carousel.